Research from FMD3 group highlighted as a front cover in ChemComm!

25 February, 2014

Congratulations to Vincent, Łukasz, Mohamed, Infas, Youssef, Amy and Prof. Eddaoudi for their work highlighted as a front cover in Chemical Communications.
Recent work from FMD3 scientists was accepted for publication in Chemical Communications. Due to the importance, quality of their contribution, as well as the nice design of their eyecatching scientific artwork, their contribution was selected by the editors to make the front cover of the journal.

They introduced a unique post-synthetic amine functionalization of porous organic polymer (POP), leading to drastically enhanced CO2 sorption properties. Their patented method consists on the introduction of free aldehydes in a porous material, followed by a polyamine treatment leading to their conversion into imine on one side, and free, exposed and highly reactive amines on the other side.!divAbstract